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Q: Does self-supported and no pre-arranged support mean I cannot stop for food or accommodation?

A: The guiding principal is "Do It Yourself" and "Equal Opportunity" for all riders, regardless of whether you live in a town on the route. So shops, pubs, restaurants, hotels, campgrounds, and any other commercial services along the route are fair game as long as they are not pre-arranged (before you begin your ride). Friend's houses, sag wagons, pacers, food or gear caches, etc. are obviously not commercial sources equally available to all riders, and absolutely are not allowed.


Q: Can I get someone to deliver a new tyre/wheel/part to me during my ride?

No. If you break something, you will have to use a commercial bike shop, or a commercial delivery service sent to a commercial address. If you decide to get assistance that is not available to all, and continue your ride, you cannot be considered a finisher within the rules of this challenge.


Q: Can I ride with friends?

A: Yes, but this is a solo ride effort, so no drafting and no sharing gear. However, if you see fit to help out a struggling fellow rider with directions, or mechanical assistance, you may do so. However, do not feel entitled to, and do not expect anything from another rider.


Q: What if I get hurt?

A: It cannot be stressed enough that you are ON YOUR OWN out there and must take personal responsibility for yourself!! There are some remote sections of trail where mobile phone service is non-existent and any medical assistance may be far away. Have your own emergency plan in place. That may include commercial tracking systems like SPOT and Inreach. 


Q: What if…?

A: If you have ‘what if?’ questions regarding potential circumstances where you think you may have to bend or break the rules, you’re probably not ready to attempt this ride. You should be answering your own ‘what if’ questions, and doing what you can to avoid the scenario yourself. Be prepared and expect to get yourself out of a fix, not interact with anyone else to help solve your problem. You choose the level of risk you’re prepared to take in the way you have packed and prepared for the challenge. Take responsibility for your choices. If you have chosen to travel super light, and have a problem you’re not equipped for, make sure you are tough enough for what may be a cold unplanned night in the hills, and/or a very long walk with little food. Do not expect another rider who has come prepared to assist you.


If you have more questions, please ask before your attempt.


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